June 09, 2018

UX, UI & design principles

In this episode of GeeksBlabla, Geeksblabla team, with Amine MAAROUF, Maroua EZOUHRI and EL AZIZI's Brothers, talk about The UX, UI definitions, the process to follow, tools to use,...and how to initiate the domain.


Amine Maarouf

Youssouf EL Azizi

Ismail EL Azizi



00:00:00 - Intro.

00:2:00 - Flash news: Microsoft acquisition of github.

00:15:00 - Who's Smail El Azizi?

00:17:00 - What's UX?

00:19:00 - UX before UI, How much it's true?

00:26:00 - What are best tools to buil the UX and test it?

00:28:00 - The process of UX.

00:35:00 - How much UI updates can infuence the UX?

00:38:00 - UX depends on the device, but not on the developpement tools (framworks,...).

00:41:00 - Can UX influence badely the SEO?

00:45:00 - Examine the psychology of the user is important for UX.

00:47:00 - What's UI?

00:55:00 - UX design tools: AdobeXD.

00:59:00 - To be a good developper, should we be expert in UX/UI?

1:07:00 - To be good at UI, should we be an artist?

1:15:00 - How we mesure contrast? Tools?

1:19:00 - UI tools.

1:27:00 - Advices to build a good UI.

1:32:00 - Best way to initiate in UX/UI domain : Best practices, Ressources and things to avoid.
